The Engineering, Agriculture and Medical Common Entrance Test (EAMCET) 2014 examination is expected to be held on May 22, 2014after rescheduling because of the Lok Shabha polls. Applications are available till April 4, 2014. Only candidates belonging to Andhra Pradesh are eligible for EAMCET 2014.
EAMCET, engineering examination will be conducted for a total of 160 marks. 80 marks will be allotted to Mathematics, 40 for Physics and 40 for Chemistry. 160 Questions will be asked and candidates have to answers them in the duration of 3 hours. Every question carries one mark and have no negative marking.
With exam dates postponed by five days and more than a couple of months now, a quick review of the exam pattern and a few this -n-that will help aspirants get an extra edge.
- Mathematics covers fifty percent of the question paper. Hence students have to give priority to mathematics. For scoring good ranks students have to earn good marks in Physics, Chemistry and 60 marks out-of 80 in Mathematics.
- Students appearing for JEE mains are already much prepared for EAMCET and they have to utilize the reaming time for planning preparation.
- As there are no criteria for compulsorily scoring some minimum marks in any subject, hence students have to work-hard for scoring more marks in the subject in which they have good knowledge.
- The exam has no negative marking system; students can hence apply their luck on questions they aren't sure of
- In EAMCET either one or two questions will be asked from each topic of every subject, hence students have to give equal preference to all topics and sections.
- Easy and less quantity topics should be practiced early. Mathematical Induction, Partial Fractions, Polar Coordinates and Random Variables are the easiest and probable topics in Mathematics. A question will be asked from Units and Dimensions topic of Physics subject.
- Equal preference will be given to the Intermediate first year and second year syllabus. Speed of answering and exactness should be developed.
The marks scored in EAMCET will be given as 75 weight age and marks scored in groups subjects in Intermediate course will be given as 25 percent weight age. Final rank will be prepared by joining the both marks.
Engineering Agriculture and Medical Combined Entrance Test is conducted by the Jawaharlal Nehru Technical University, Hyderabad on behalf of the APSCHE for entry into the first year of the following Under Graduate Professional courses offered for the academic year 2012-2013 in the University and Private unaided & affiliated Professional colleges in the State of Andhra Pradesh.
Keep calm and prepare!
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