Saturday, April 5, 2014



Don't junk the jeans yet, simply think of smart ways to wear them and look cool You thought your perfect pair of denims needed to be tucked into some corner through the summer because they are heat-unfriendly? Think again! With some smart reinventing tips you can wear them even during the sweltering season and look cool.
Boyfriend jeans: Now finally is the time to hide the extra flab without buying loose tops! Grab a pair of oversize jeans (if you can't steal/borrow your boyfriend/hubby's). It might have been a last season fashion trend, but who says you can't set a new one by replicating it?
Cropped shorts: If you have toned legs to flaunt, then denim shorts are quite a rage. Team them with white shirt and you've got a perfect summer look.
Capris: Instead of buying cotton capris, opt for denim ones. It touches your ankle yet keeps you cool.
Skirts: Mini/midi skirts in denims can be worn too. They are easy on the eye and very summery.
Distressed jeans: Get ready to show more leg. Gaping criss cross cuts across the knees, calves let the air in and this style will always be very street-wear fashion and always hip.
Chambray pants: Technically these don't really qualify as jeans, but who says you can't cheat a little? Simply by virtue of their colour you can pretend they are jeans!

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